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César Augusto Hernández Suárez was
born in Villa Caro, Norte de Santander,
Colombia in 1976. He received his
Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and
Computer Science from Universidad
Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia in
1998. Master in Science Education from
Universidad Nacional Experimental del
Táchira, Venezuela in 2007. He is currently
a research professor at the Faculty of Education, Arts and
Humanities, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. His
areas of research include mathematics education and science
education. His production includes the publication of several
articles in indexed journals, and the development of several
books on mathematics education. She is currently pursuing a
PhD in Education Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de la
Plata, Argentina.
Raúl Prada Núñez was born in Villa del
Rosario, Colombia in 1976. He received
his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and
Computer Science from Universidad
Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta -
Colombia, in 1998; Master's degree in
Mathematics mention in Education from
Universidad Nacional Experimental del
Táchira, Venezuela, in 2007 and Master's
degree in Data Optimization from Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia, Spain in 2014. He currently serves as an associate
professor at the Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities,
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. His research areas
include topics in Mathematics Education, Statistics and
Pedagogical Practice. His production includes the publication
of more than 40 articles in indexed journals and the elaboration
of three books on topics such as Teaching Differential Calculus:
an analysis of difficulties in university students, ICT and
Investigative Competences among Basic Education teachers
and Principles of Argumentation and Argumentative Practices
in the training of teachers in Mathematics. He is currently
pursuing a PhD in Humanities, Arts and Education at the
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
Fermín Rafael Álvarez Macea was born in
Caucasia, Colombia in 1981. He received
his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and
Physics from the University of Antioquia
in 2007 and later received his Master's
degree in Teaching of Exact and Natural
Sciences from the National University of
Colombia in 2012. He currently teaches in
the faculties of Education, Pharmaceutical
and Food Sciences at the University of Antioquia, in the faculty
of Exact and Applied Sciences at the Instituto Tecnológico
Metropolitano (ITM) and in the faculty of basic and social
sciences at the Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid. His areas of