Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214
Energy transition for rural development: A
preliminary case study in Colombia for
improving artisanal fishing
Transición energética para el desarrollo rural: Un caso de estudio preliminar en
Colombia para mejorar la pesca artesanal
M. Bueno-López , T. Rengifo Ordoñez. , D. Chacón Campo , J. Tocancipá-Falla
and A.F. Osorio
DOI: 10.22517/23447214.24944
Scientific and technological research paper
Abstract— According to the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), artisanal fishing
involves the use of small fishing vessels for short fishing trips
aimed at capturing fish for consumption and local marketing.
This process requires energy at various stages, from boat
navigation to refrigeration for storage. The energy used in this
process typically comes from fossil fuels, which has
environmental impacts due to the carbon footprint of the boats.
Additionally, the lack of economic resources to purchase the
necessary fuel for the engines hampers the daily work of
fishermen. The International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA) defines energy transition as the pathway towards
transforming the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-
carbon by the second half of this century. The energy transition
aims to decarbonize the economy and offers opportunities to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This paper reviews essential
concepts for understanding the process of reducing fossil fuel
consumption in fishing operations from the perspective of energy
transition. Technological, environmental, and socio-economic
factors are considered to promote responsible fishing in rural
coastal areas of Colombia. A case study in the municipality of
Guapi (province of Cauca, Colombia) is examined.
Index Terms Artisanal fishing, Decarbonization, Energy
Transition, Renewable energy.
Resumen— Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas
para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, la pesca artesanal se
relaciona con el uso de pequeñas embarcaciones pesqueras para
viajes cortos de pesca dedicados a capturar pescado para su
consumo y también para la comercialización local. Se trata de un
proceso que requiere el uso de energía en sus diferentes fases,
desde el barco para la navegación hasta el centro de refrigeración
M. Bueno-López is with the Department of Electronics, Instrumentation, and Control,
Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia, email: mbuenol@unicauca.edu.co
T. Rengifo Ordoñez and D. Chacón Campo are with the program of industrial
automation engineering, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia,
email:tatianarengifo@unicauca.edu.co, diegochacon@unicauca.edu.co
J. Tocancipá-Falla is with the Anthropology Department, Grupo de Estudios Sociales
Comparativos, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia,
A.F. Osorio is with the Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Medellín, Colombia, Center of Excellence in Marine Science. email:
para el almacenamiento. La energía utilizada para este proceso
normalmente proviene de combustibles fósiles, lo que genera un
impacto desde el punto de vista ambiental por la huella dejada
por las embarcaciones, sumado a la falta de recursos económicos
para la compra de combustible requerido por los motores,
obstaculizando el trabajo diario de los pescadores. La Agencia
Internacional de Energías Renovables define la transición
energética como el camino hacia la transformación del sector
energético mundial de base fósil a cero carbono para la segunda
mitad de este siglo. La transición energética busca la
descarbonización de la economía y ofrece oportunidades para
reducir la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles. Este artículo
revisa algunos conceptos básicos necesarios para entender el
proceso de reducción del consumo de combustibles fósiles en las
operaciones pesqueras desde la perspectiva de la transición
energética. Se consideran factores tecnológicos, ambientales y
socioeconómicos para promover la pesca responsable en las zonas
costeras rurales de Colombia. Es considerado un caso de estudio
en el municipio de Guapi (departamento del Cauca, Colombia).
Palabras claves—Pesca artesanal, descarbonización, transición
energética, energía renovable.
N recent years, rural areas have become significant
problems in terms of productivity and social wellbeing.
There is a large technological gap between rural and urban
areas and this has challenged the development of regions
where social indicators are low [1],[2]. One of the main social
and productive activities in rural areas in Colombia is artisanal
fishing. Many people depend on this sector but unfortunately
they do not have sufficient means to optimize the process of
capturing and marketing fish. This activity continues to be a
process that relies heavily on the use of fossil fuels in different
stages, from the mobility of the small vessels that require an
internal combustion engine up to the fish storage in local
refrigeration centers [3].
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO), the artisanal fishing can be defined as
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
the traditional activity involving fishing households using
relatively small amount of capital and energy, relatively small
fishing vessels, making short fishing trips, close to shore, and
devoting their capture mainly for local consumption [4]. The
main obstacle for achieving carbon neutrality in fishing
process is that some of the energy end-uses of industrial and
transportation sectors cannot easily be achieved through
electrification or the use of renewable energies. Renewable
resources available on rivers and oceans, such as wind, waves
and solar energy, can be used to improve transport technology
and make it clean, ecological and sustainable [5]. Since the
energy produced by these sources is not constant at all times
due to the climatic conditions of the zone, they can be
incorporated together to have a reliable hybrid system
operating within the set values [6], [7]. The vast majority of
solutions are monoenergetic. For example, in Cauca
Department vessels are used mainly for maritime and river
mobility being a key part for rural transportation and
developing economic activities such as traditional fishing.
However, the use of fossil fuels for propulsion, leads to
problems such as depletion of natural resources,
environmental damage due to poor maintenance of these
vessels and the lack of resources for improving the boats [8].
Based on the above, some solutions have been implemented
using clean energy sources that replace conventional ones
without affecting the efficiency, economy, and safety of
people using these means of transportation [9].
A hybrid generation system based on non-conventional
energy sources for marine and river electric mobility, is
characterized by the manner it keeps its frequency under
fluctuations in the power generated load demands, and also
guarantees the coverage of demand [10],[11]. Hybrid
generation systems are generally built in such a way that the
benefits of individual sources can be exploited [12]. This
creates the need to use a good electrical energy storage system
in order to contribute significantly to the stability and
reliability of the system [13].
In a hybrid system, it is essential to manage the flow of
energy between the different components, a strategy is needed
to control the system's power exchanges and also to regulate
the loading and unloading process of the storage unit [14]. A
marine hybrid energy system consisting of a diesel generator,
solar energy, a battery and a supercapacitor is proposed in
[15], and a mathematical model of solar power generation in
oceanic conditions is established. The performance
characteristics of the solar output power and the optimum
capacity of the supercapacitor are analyzed. For the design of
the generation system in [16] a detailed proposal was
presented making use of solar energy and thermal energy as a
means of propulsion, taking into account safe installations for
passengers. Some of the disadvantages in hybrid generation
systems based on non-convention energy sources for the
development of vessels are due to the influence of the
movement of the vessel, which leads to fluctuations in the
power of the system, in addition to those already caused by
climatic factors due to the stochastic nature of these sources.
Another disadvantage of hybrid generation systems is their
low sustainability, which is even more noticeable when these
types of systems are handled directly by people who do not
have minimal technical knowledge about the characteristics of
these devices, although this condition can be solved by a
proper monitored training [1]. It is under these circumstances
that multicriterate analysis takes importance and it is
necessary to consider elements such as the maturity of the
technology, ease of use, operating and maintenance costs,
among other elements that do not only depend on the
availability of the primary resource.
Energy transition is increasingly regarded as a promising
opportunity for the economic development of rural areas and
becomes an alternative to lower costs and increase the
productivity of Marine Small-Scale Fisheries, Food Security
and Poverty Alleviation. Renewable energy and energy
efficiency measures can potentially achieve 90% of the
required carbon reductions [17]. This paper proposes a
strategy based on the concept of energy transition to reduce
the use of fossil fuels in the development of artisanal fishing,
in dialogue with fishermen local knowledge.
In recent years, Colombia has been increasingly installing
its capacity of using renewable energies in different sectors. In
2018, Colombia had only two renewable energy parks: a solar
farm in the municipality of Yumbo in Department of Valle del
Cauca, and a wind farm in the Department of Guajira in the
north of Colombia. These two parks produce no more than 30
MW. Since the implementation of the Law 1715 issued in
2014, some modifications have been made that include tax
incentives and regulatory adjustments to promote the use of
non-conventional energy sources, which led the country to
install more than 10 solar farms by 2020, with projects totaling
about 225 MW [18],[19]. This promising scenario generates a
great expectation for the decarbonization of the economy,
universal access to energy, and promoting social development
in regions where there is no permanent access to energy [20].
Potentiality of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
Colombia presents a high energy potential that is usable
when government agencies provide the different instruments
that allow the development of different technologies such as
wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, among others [21]. The
participation of these energy sources does not contribute
significantly to the National Interconnected System (NIS). At
the end of 2019, the effective capacity of NIS was 17,462.34
MW, where 30.75% is generated by non-renewable energy
sources and 69.25% by renewable energy sources, of which
only 1% corresponds to non-conventional renewable energy
sources, with 0.11% biomass, 0.80% wind and 0.10% solar
[22]. In Colombia in 2018, the Institute of Hydrology,
Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) published
the new version of the Climatological Atlas, Radiation and
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
Wind with a history of information from 1981 to 2010, an
official document where the values of the country's energy
resources are saved. The solar irradiation in Colombia has an
average of 4.5 kWh/m
per day, a value that exceeds the
estimated world average of 3.9 kWh/m
per day, in addition to
localized winds with average speeds of about 9 m/s at 80 m
height [23]. However, the Atlas also shows the lack of
particular and detailed data for large areas of the country,
which represent most of the non-interconnected zones [24].
Colombia's strategic geographical position in the southern
hemisphere allows the country to have broad coasts on the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans, whose line extension is about
3,531 km, and Colombian maritime areas represent 45% of the
national territory. From this perspective, Colombia has a great
potential for the exploitation of the primary resource from the
oceans. According to the UPME, a potential for the coasts of
30 GW is estimated with respect to the energy of the waves
and a potential for tidal energy in the Colombian Pacific of
500 MW.
Energy Poverty in Colombia
Although the political constitution of Colombia in the
article 365 defines the obligation of the state to ensure the
efficient delivery of public services to all inhabitants of the
national territory, in Colombia approximately 52% of the
territory corresponds to non-interconnected zones (NIZ),
which characterized by not having permanent access to
energy. In order to cover the needs and supply energy, the NIZ
has generation sources with a total operational capacity of
288.206,62KW (271,866.62 KW of diesel capacity and 16,340
KW of renewable energy capacity). In this sense, it is
noticeable that conventional energy sources represent the
highest percentage of operational capacity of NIZs, which
requires a solution that provides reliable, consistent, quality
and environmentally sustainable service; this involves
assessing the feasibility of increasing the installed capacity of
renewable energy sources by ensuring that generation costs
are affordable to users in those areas.
On the other hand, the result of the last Electricity Coverage
Index 2018 (ICEE), which takes as its main source of
information the National Census of Population and Housing
2018 (CNPV) of the National Administrative Department of
Statistics (DANE), showed that the percentage of ICEE for
Colombia is 96.44%, representing 505,981 non-energy
housing units, of which 53,461 are in urban areas and 452,520
in rural areas, with rural coverage being 12 percentage points
lower than urban coverage. Fig. 1 presents the distribution of
ICEE in Colombia.
Fig. 1. Map of the preliminary total ICEE 2018 at the
municipality level [25].
The limited access of energy in NIZs have affected
negatively the quality of life of the inhabitants and has
highlighted the existence of energy poverty. The Human
Development Index (HDI) is related to energy consumption
[26], and together with the ICEE, it is essential for
government-led actions to reach the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs).
Considering the above, the national energy plan 2020-2050,
established as the first objective ``to allow universal access to
reliable, quality-standard, and affordable energy solutions” by
proposing as an indicator of follow-up to that objective the
Energy Equity Index of the Energy Trilemma of the World
Energy Council. The trilemma seeks to qualify countries in
their ability to provide sustainable energy in three aspects:
Energy security, energy equity and environmental
sustainability, Colombia is ranking in the position number 36
out of a total of 101 countries.
Transportation sector energy consumption in Colombia
The Colombian Energy Balance describes that by 2018 the
final energy consumption of the country was 1,308 PJ, where
the transport sector was the main energy consumer
representing 40% (524 PJ) of total consumption, 22% (293 PJ)
the industrial sector, 20% (263 PJ) in the residential sector,
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
6% (71 PJ) in the commercial and public sector and other
sectors with 12% (157 PJ) [27].
The main source used in the transport sector is fossil fuels
with a 91% share, with ACPM and gasoline being the most
important source of energy in the sector; natural gas and
biofuels with a share of 3% and 6% respectively, while
electricity consumption has the lowest share (0.07%).
The transport sector, having a greater participation in the
final energy consumption, also represents greater potential for
improving energy efficiency, since according to the results of
the Balance of Useful Energy (BUE), only 24% of the energy
consumed in this sector is really useful energy. The potential
for efficiency improvement for this sector, by adopting the
best technologies available in Colombia, would be around
50%, representing a saving potential of $3,426 billion per
year. While adopting the best available technologies
internationally, the potential for efficiency improvement
would be around 75%, representing savings potential in the
order of $5,997 billion per year [28].
The fishing community states that the main cost of
operating their work is the acquisition of gasoline. To improve
this, the replacement of the energy source is proposed to
propel vessels, where their new source is renewable and
cheaper, as well as implementing safety systems at sea and
improving ergonomics in their fishing journeys. Currently, the
small vessels used in fishing operations in Colombia depend
100% on fossil fuels and it is common to see small vessels like
the ones shown in Fig. 2. In addition, it is considered essential
to study and analyze the value chain of fishing to seek
improvements opportunities in it.
Fig. 2. View of the port of Guapi, august 2021
The fisheries sector in Colombia makes a small contribution
to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and a
decreasing trend in its contribution has been shown, since
2009 had a share of 0.18% of total GDP and 2.66% of
agricultural GDP, in 2018, its share of national economic
growth was 0.17%, and in the sector, 2.68% [3]. This sector
generates employment, income and food in rural areas where
economic opportunities are scarce. In the area of employment,
according to the 2019-2020 accounting report of the Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development, the fisheries and
aquaculture sector provides approximately 423,135 jobs,
including artisanal fishermen, direct employment generated in
the other fishing activities, as well as indirect employment of
persons involved in the processing, transformation, marketing
of products, construction, repair and maintenance of vessels
[29],[30]. This data has not changed significantly since 2011,
demonstrating a critical lack of data to understand the sector's
contribution to employment, value generation, poverty
reduction, and food security [31].
According to data taken from the DANE household survey
in 2013, the population related to the fisheries and aquaculture
sector was 1,439,778, of which 89% are male and 11.2%
female; of this total, 68% live in the rural sector and 32% live
in urban areas. More than half (52.7%) of those engaged in
fishing, fish production in fish farms and fish farms, and
fishing-related service activities are considered to reach only
the primary level of basic education, while 17.8% are
illiterate. However, the sector plays an important role in the
local economy of the poor coastal and rural regions of the
country, requiring greater investment, export diversification
and implementation of projects that boost productivity and
competitiveness [31],[32].
Socioeconomic description
In this paper, it is considered a particular case in the
municipality of Guapi, located at the pacific coast in Cauca
province. The main economic activities, in terms of
employment generation, income and energizing local
economies, are currently fishing, mining-traditional, coconut,
artisanal sectors and basic local commerce and services.
Around 80% of the families of the municipality depend on
fishing and agriculture, because their income depends on the
work they do daily, but they do not have logistic, financial or
services support [33]. The municipality of Guapi was added to
the National Interconnected System in 2018, thanks to the “All
We Are Peace Plan”, also known as Plan Pazifico, of the
national government. Although this project has changed the
lives of the Guapi’s people as they have a constant energy
supply during the day, months after the project was delivered,
intermittency problems began to occur in the connection
network between Popayán and Guapi, and the response time to
solve the faults has been too slow because the length of the
electrical network (a little more than 200 km) and the
difficulty of accessing the area. The Fishing technology is
based on traditional local knowledge and methods such as
manual techniques.
Fishing organization and infrastructure
Servipesca, Renacer progresista guapireño and Asociación
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
Nueva Bella vista, are integrated by a total of 46 people, from
which 16 are women and 30 men. Fishing activities are male
mainly, however women are integrated in the whole value
chain, supporting fishing journeys by assuming housing roles
while their partners are absenting. Furthermore, this type of
organization is based on kinship. Although the project is
focused on three pilot organizations, others will be benefited
from the results. Participating organizations are described in
Table I.
Organization’s name
Renacer progresista guapireño
Asociación Nueva Bella Vista
The fishing performed are handmade and manual. The craft
consists of the use of “chinchorros” meshes, lightning rods
and hooks. The manual method is done with "catanga" and
crab trap. The Nueva Bella Vista is integrated by indigenous
group Eperara siapidara and their crafts for fishing is different
from the other two integrated by afrodescendants and creole
people. The boats they use are made of wood and fiberglass,
with an outboard motor and powered by rowing and small
engines of 15 HP (Horse power). Fishing can go from one to
five days. According to information gathered in the field by
the social team of the University of Cauca, the costs of the
fishing operations are identified. These data were obtained
according to a fishing journey (“faena”) that corresponds to a
4-day trip at sea for fishing. It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the
cost of greater incidence (62%) on the entire fishing operation
is fuel consumption. It is important to note that the price of
fuel in Guapi is 16% higher compared to most areas of the
country, this is because the municipality of Guapi does not
have access roads and therefore must be by sea from the port
of Buenaventura in the Province of Valle del Cauca.
Fig. 3. Fishing cost, Source: Econavipesca Project, 2020
Based on the fieldwork and the information provided by the
community, the combustion of gasoline generates
approximately 2.3 kg of C02 per liter consumed. On average,
according to fishermen, about 10 gallons of gasoline are
consumed daily per boat. To determine the number of boats,
present in the municipality of Guapi and their frequency of
operation, a detailed study is required, but it is estimated that
about 100 vessels are mobilized per day, which would
generate about 8705 kg of CO2 daily emitted to the
environment. Additionally, as a result of localized but
permanent discharges of fuel in storage and handling, soils
and water sources are affected. After analyzing the
information presented and considering the concept of energy
transition, the following solutions are proposed to implement
which will be executed within the ``Pacific Econavipesca
project: Ecosystem for sustainable fishing navigation in the
municipality of Guapi, Cauca".
Fuel: To substitute partially or completely the use of
fossil fuels due to its negative impact on the
environment. Also, since the use of gasoline is the main
factor that affects the low profitability of the fishing
business for this purpose, energy from Renewable
sources is considered to replace fossil fuel.
Telecommunications: To implement a communication
system between the vessel and the continent in order to
strengthen the safety conditions that occur in fishing
Lighting: Installation of a lighting system on the boat
that allows to increase safety at nighttime on the sea.
Ice storage: Improving the efficiency of ice storage
systems inside the vessel, replacing the purchase of ice
that increases costs in fishing operations.
Water desalination: To evaluate the implementation of a
water desalination plant for the consumption of the crew
during their stay at sea, thus avoiding the purchase of
fresh water bottles.
Operation conditions: To diagnose and analyze the
operating conditions to which the vessels will be
subjected to complement the design of the new solutions.
The conditions to which this item refers correspond to
the study of the sea and the river (currents, waves,
temperature, etc.) and the solar potential of the area
(solar peak hours, radiation by area).
It is important to highlight that the boat should be designed
under reliability-based design methodologies since they
should mitigate to the maximum or ideally eliminate any risk
present in fishing conditions. And finally, an asset
management must be delivered over time and its study of
profitability over time, since the community must be able to
multiply this model without relying on external institutions.
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
The propulsion system of the boat is proposed by using
renewable energy sources with the aim of improving the
profitability of the fishing business and reducing the
environmental impact generated by the current fossil fuel
system, and the implementation of a telecommunication
system to improve safety during the deep sea fishing journeys.
In parallel, it is equally important in this proposal to generate
empowerment strategies of the participating artisanal
fishermen organizations with respect to the model and
management of the fishing business, developing a mindset of
self-efficacy and productive entrepreneurship in the local
Another factor that can be mitigated is the cost of acquiring
ice (9%) for fish storage. It is estimated that after four
“faenas” per month, the owner of the vessel has $350,000
COP (Colombian pesos) in utility. They pay $210,000 COP to
each crew member. If the owner of the boat is a fisherman, he
will have a monthly income of $560,000 COP, which
corresponds to 68% of the Colombian legal minimum wage in
force for the year 2019. With this income one can check the
reason for the low quality of life and conditions of poverty of
the community of Guapi. So, one key contribution of the
project will be the reduction of costs per fishing journey, an
activity which is highly hazardous.
Interdisciplinary and cooperative research
Given the complexities of this initiative, it demands a cross
cultural interaction amongst different disciplines and local
people. Ensuring a cooperative, comprehensive and
intercultural dialogue is a key factor to reach main objectives.
An intercultural experience where scientific and local
knowledge encounter will provide a better condition for
appropriating and making sustainable the outcomes.
In this paper, a set of solutions aimed at reducing the use of
fossil fuels for the mobility of artisanal fishing vessels have
been presented. Technical, social, environmental, and
economic factors have been considered so that the proposal is
more feasible. The proposed strategies are a preliminary
solution that will be validated with a set of three local
organizations under actual operating conditions.
Different definitions can be found about the concept of the
energy transition, and what they all agree on is basically that a
path must be drawn toward the transformation of the energy
sector to reduce the use of fossil fuels to a level of zero
emissions for energy production, and they are set as a target
the second half of this century. In Colombia, the outlook is
that, by 2030, 25% of the energy matrix would be based on
non-conventional energies reducing CO2 emissions in 22.5%.
To achieve this, all economic sectors must be involved and
seek the feasibility of the proposed alternatives. At the same
time, a collective effort between researchers
(interdisciplinarity) and local communities is needed. Valuing
local knowledge in dialogue with science is a precondition to
reach the main objectives of the projects in using local
resources for improving traditional fishering.
Finally, it is appropriate to link the issue of energy
transition in Colombia to reducing energy poverty, how the
use of new technologies eliminates dependence on fossil fuels
in isolated areas where the cost is higher and the impact of not
having quality service and continuous energy decreases the
progress of the regions.
This paper is and advance of preliminary results associated
to “Pacific Econavipesca project: Ecosystem for sustainable
fishing navigation in the municipality of Guapi, Cauca",
sponsored by The Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in Colombia, three local
fishermen organizations (Servipesca, Renacer guapireño and
Asociación Nueva Bella Vista), The University of Cauca, and
National University, Medellín and Palmira headquarters,
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Maximiliano Bueno-López received
the Diploma Degree in Electrical
Engineering and Master in Electrical
Engineering from Technological
University of Pereira, Colombia.
Ph.D. in Engineering at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico.
He was a Postdoctoral researcher
with the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology-NTNU at the Department of
Engineering Cybernetics. He is currently Associate Professor
at Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7959-9962
Tatiana Rengifo Ordoñez was born in
Popayan, Cauca, Colombia in 1997.
Received the B.S. degree in industrial
automation engineering from University
of Cauca, Colombia in 2022. She is
currently pursuing the specialization in
project management at Universidad
Autónoma de Occidente. From 2021 to
2022, she was a Research Assistant with the Cauca University
from at Pacific Econavipesca project: Ecosystem for
sustainable fishing navigation in the municipality of Guapi,
Cauca. Her research interests include renewable energies and
industrial automation for the provision of public services. Ms.
Author’s awards and honors include the honorable mention
(Universidad del Cauca) and the Horacio Torres Sanchez
award for contribution to the development goals Sustainable
and development of affordable and non-polluting energy.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8174-273X
Jairo Tocancipa Born in Neiva (Huila,
Colombia), he did his undergraduate
career in Anthropology at Cauca
University (Popayán, Colombia). Between
1993-1994 he did his MA in International
Cooperation for Development in Spain.
Between 2000-2005 he obtained his MPh
in Social and PhD in Anthropology at
Cambridge University, England. His areas of performance in
anthropology: Social anthropology -anthropology of
knowledge and technology - history of anthropological
thinking - peasants and social change -urban-rural relations
and social and cultural changes – management.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9692-7676
Andrés Osorio is a Civil Engineer, with a master’s degree and
PhD in Marine Sciences and
Technologies. Professor at the National
University of Colombia, he is director of
the research group in oceanography and
coastal engineering, OCEANICOS
(Category A1 in Colciencias) at the
National University of Colombia. He has
experience in Ocean and Coastal Zone
Management (GZOC), Marine Renewable Energies (MRE),
Numerical Modelling for retroanalysis and forecasting (waves,
tides and oceanographic variables) and design of solutions for
coastal and ocean engineering.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4891-9115
Diego Chacón Campo. received the B.S.
degree in industrial automation
engineering from University of Cauca,
Colombia in 2022. He is currently
pursuing the specialization in energy
transmission and distribution systems at
university Valle. From 2021 to 2022, he
was a Research Assistant with the
University of Cauca. His research interest includes Secondary
engineering systems in electrical substations and control and
monitoring systems for photovoltaic solar parks. Mr. Author’s
awards and honors include the honorable mention
(Universidad del Cauca) and the Horacio Torres Sanchez
award for contribution to the development goals Sustainable
and development of affordable and non-polluting energy.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9535-3690