Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 03, julio-septiembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
microstructure by bainitic transformation generates a fracture
surface with a major ductile area for temperatures tested.
The authors would like to thank to Dr.-Ing. L. Mujica from
INCITEMA (UPTC) for supporting Thermo-Calc analysis. We
recognize the financial support received from Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
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Bolaños-Bernal, S., received the Bs. Eng
in Mechanical Engineering in 2019, from
the Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Bogotá, Colombia, and now Master
candidate degree in Project Management
from Universidad de Nebrija, Madrid,
España. Currently, he is a manufacturing
processes and materials engineering group
investigation member. His research interests include:
Mechanical Metallurgy, Mechanical Properties of Advanced
Materials and heat treatments.