Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214
Factors Affecting Labor Productivity in the Global
Construction Industry: A Critical Review,
Classification and Ranking
Factores que afectan la Productividad Laboral en la Industria Global de la Construcción: Una
Revisión Crítica, Clasificación y Ranking
R.A. Ardila-Cubillos
; M.Y. Durán-Prada
, K.Y. Vides-Martínez , G. Mejía-Aguilar
Scientific and Technological Research Paper
Abstract — The construction industry plays a fundamental role
in economic development and job creation, but it faces challenges
of labor productivity that have been exacerbated due to the recent
COVID-19 pandemic. Labor productivity is a critical component
of success, as it influences the duration, costs, and efficiency of
projects. Understanding the nature of factors affecting labor
productivity is essential to finding solutions. This study examined
the literature to identify key factors influencing labor productivity,
departing from conventional analytical approaches. Through
mixed-methods analysis, qualitative approaches of systematic
reviews identified influential factors based on 97 documents.
Subsequently, they were classified using a combination of
statistical analysis and hierarchical clustering methods that
encompassed both internal and external factors. The Importance
Value Index allowed for the classification of the 30 most critical
factors, analyzing three possible ranking scenarios. The study
found that the interest in researching the topic remains relevant
and has evolved over time. In recent years, greater attention has
been paid to labor, management, work environment, and technical
aspects. The results indicate that internal project factors, such as
scheduling, planning, technical considerations, and resource
management, are more predictable and controllable than external
factors. Effective resource management and a comprehensive
approach are essential for optimizing construction productivity.
Project-level factors, as well as materials, tools, and equipment,
play an important role. By synthesizing existing knowledge and
identifying and classifying key productivity factors, this study
offers valuable insights to construction professionals,
policymakers, and researchers seeking to improve labor
productivity and optimize project outcomes.
Index Terms Construction productivity; Hierarchical
clustering; Importance Value Index; Sectoral advancement;
Systematic review.
This manuscript was submitted on January 31, 2024, accepted on march 21,
2024 and published on April 1, 2024. This work was supported by Civil
Engineering School of University Industrial of Santander UIS, Colombia.
Ray Andrés Ardila Cubillos is a Magister in Civil Engineering, associate
professor and researcher in University Industrial of Santander UIS, Colombia
(email: ray2208070@correo.uis.edu.co).
Manuel Yesid Durán Padra is a Civil Engineer candidate in University
Industrial of Santander UIS, Colombia (email:
Resumen — La industria de la construcción desempeña un papel
fundamental en el desarrollo económico y la generación de empleo,
pero enfrenta desafíos de productividad laboral que se han
intensificado debido a la reciente pandemia de COVID-19. La
productividad laboral es un componente crítico de éxito, ya que
influye en la duración, los costos y la eficiencia de los proyectos.
Comprender la naturaleza de los factores que afectan la
productividad laboral es esencial para encontrar soluciones. Este
estudio examinó la literatura para identificar factores clave que
influyen en la productividad laboral, apartándose de los enfoques
analíticos convencionales. A través de un análisis de métodos
mixtos, los enfoques cualitativos de revisiones sistemáticas
identificaron factores influyentes basados en 97 documentos.
Posteriormente, se clasificaron mediante una combinación de
análisis estadístico y métodos de agrupación jerárquica que
abarcaron tanto factores internos como externos. El Índice de Valor
de Importancia permitió la clasificación de los 30 factores más
críticos, analizando tres posibles escenarios de clasificación. El
estudio encontró que el interés en investigar el tema sigue siendo
relevante y ha evolucionado con el tiempo. En los últimos años, se
ha prestado mayor atención a la mano de obra, la gestión, el entorno
de trabajo y los aspectos técnicos. Los resultados indican que los
factores internos del proyecto, como la programación, la
planificación, las consideraciones técnicas y la gestión de recursos,
son más predecibles y controlables que los factores externos. Una
gestión eficaz de los recursos y un enfoque integral son
fundamentales para optimizar la productividad de la construcción.
Los factores a nivel de proyecto, así como los materiales,
herramientas y equipos, desempeñan un papel importante. Al
sintetizar el conocimiento existente e identificar y clasificar los
factores clave de productividad, este estudio ofrece perspectivas
valiosas para profesionales de la construcción, responsables
políticos e investigadores que buscan mejorar la productividad
laboral y optimizar los resultados de los proyectos.
Palabras clave Agrupamiento jerárquico; Avance sectorial;
Índice de valor de importancia; Productividad en la construcción;
Revisión sistemática.
Karen Yuset Vides Martinez is a Civil Engineer candidate in University
Industrial of Santander UIS, Colombia (email:
Guillermo Mejía Aguilar is a Ph.D. in Construction Engineering, titular
professor and researcher in University Industrial of Santander UIS, Colombia
(email: gmejia@uis.edu.co).
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 1, Mes enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701
he construction industry has a crucial role in providing
vital infrastructure, transportation routes, and essential
housing for human development and social well-being.
Additionally, it significantly contributes to the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) [1] and generates large-scale employment,
offering job opportunities at various levels and sectors [2],
Therefore, its performance is not only crucial for economic
development but also for social stability and sustainable
progress on both a global and regional scales.
However, the trend of recent decades indicates a slower
growth in productivity in the construction industry (1.0%)
compared to the global economy (2.7%) and other industrial
sectors (3.6%) [3], Additionally, the post-COVID-19 era has
brought new challenges, including labor shortages, debt,
inflation, and energy transition, among others. The latest report
from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) suggests that
increasing historical productivity rates in the industry could
mitigate these challenges [4].
Therefore, the study of labor productivity behavior is
relevant for both the industry and academia; hence, we will
conduct a background section featuring the most prominent
works, tracing their development throughout the decades as a
fundamental reference.
Since the mid-1980s, there have been research inquiries
regarding labor productivity in the construction industry,
decade, Jarkas employs the RII method in a representative
sample of contractors to identify and classify factors belonging
to these classification groups: management; technological;
labor-related; and external [12].
In the 2020s, two relevant research studies stand out. On one
hand, Agrawal et al. adopt a novel approach by directly
capturing the perception of construction workers, as opposed to
managers or supervisors. They utilize the Relative Importance
Index (RII) method to assess the significance of various factors
[13]. On the other hand, Van Tam et al., through a
comprehensive review of previous studies, identify critical
factors influencing labor productivity in construction. These
factors are categorized into six main groups, covering
manpower, management, work conditions, project, and
external factors [14]. Both studies employed structured surveys
targeting project managers and contractors, utilizing methods
such as RII and descriptive statistics for data analysis.
Theoretical framework
Construction Labor Productivity (CLP)
A commonly used generic definition is the relationship
between outputs and inputs, but for the purposes of this
research, which is situated partly within the project context or
even at the granular level of site activity, and on the other hand,
focused on labor resources, the partial factor productivity
proposed by Thomas & Daily [15], Horner et al. [16], and
Jarkas [17] will be employed, as shown in the equation (1):
focusing on its estimation. For instance, Neil & Knack
proposed a method emphasizing labor productivity units in
𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
man-hours and established a productivity index, with a
reference value of 1.0 denoting standard performance [5]. On a
different note, Brown explored the relationship between
demotivating factors and low labor productivity in construction
In the early 1990s, Thomas proposed a novel approach to
modeling labor productivity in construction. Taking into
account real factors observed on construction sites, he
classified project, site, management, and motivational
expectation factors. This classification elucidates why a team
endeavors to perform and how this effort correlates with
productivity [7]. Additionally, in collaboration with Sanders,
they established a methodology for identifying and quantifying
factors affecting masonry activity, employing standardized
statistical techniques for data collection [8]
In the mid-2000s, Abdul Kadir et al. highlighted the concern
of emerging countries in the Southeast Asian region regarding
the identification of factors affecting construction labor
productivity. To address this issue, they utilized surveys as a
data collection instrument and incorporated the perception of
importance using the Relative Importance Index (RII) method
[9]. A similar approach was proposed by Enshassi in the
Western Asian region [10].
During the 2010s decade, the study conducted by Shehata &
El-Gohary stands out, with its main finding being the absence
of a standard definition of productivity. This study provides a
guide for the necessary steps to improve labor productivity in
construction, as well as the use of benchmarks [11]. By mid-
CLP : Construction Labor Productivity.
Output : Installed units.
Labor time : Time units per member/crew.
Research issue
The research problem arises from answering the question:
What factors contribute to the low growth of labor productivity
in the global construction industry? This question serves as the
focal point of the study and will direct the research towards
identifying critical elements contributing to this gap in
Construction Labor Productivity.
Research objectives
The main objective of this study is to conduct a rigorous
literature review to identify the critical factors affecting labor
productivity in construction, considering their importance and
frequency. Additionally, the aim is to group these factors by
classifying them according to common attributes. Achieving
these objectives will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of
the challenges facing the construction industry and provide
valuable insights for the development of effective strategies to
promote growth and sustainability in the sector.
Methodological approach
The methodological approach adopted in this mixed-method
study integrates quantitative analysis with qualitative
evaluation of factor groups [18], aiming to provide a
comprehensive and accurate understanding of the drivers and
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Study design
Document collection
Data interpretation
Structuring, and publication
obstacles to productivity in the construction industry, with the
future goal of developing strategic solutions tailored to each
In contrast to surveys with Likert scales commonly
employed in prior studies within specific contexts, this
investigation relies on a systematic literature review and
utilizes the "Importance Value Index" (IVI) to analyze the
relative contribution of factors in a global context.
Furthermore, it stands out for its comprehensive collection of
variables, encompassing data collection instruments, analytical
methods, research findings, and the inclusion of diverse
industry sectors. This holistic perspective enhances our
understanding of patterns and trends related to the variable
under examination. Ultimately, the research introduces an
innovative classification of factors, incorporating insights from
the systematic review and contributions from academics and
industry professionals, thereby adding distinctive value to the
existing body of knowledge in the field.
Document structure and development
Regarding the document structure, the methodology to be
implemented is initially described, followed by the research
results and key findings. These findings comprise a
characterization of the documents and the classification of
factor groups. Finally, a discussion and conclusions section is
presented, summarizing key points and highlighting the
practical and theoretical implications of the research.
Study design
The study is descriptive-analytical, of a cross-sectional
nature, with a mixed-method approach [18]. It involves the
collection of documents from previous research in scientific
literature databases related to factors influencing Labor
Productivity in Construction. These documents are
subsequently processed and statistically analyzed to identify
patterns and trends, allowing for the establishment of
similarities, differences, common characteristics, and
singularities regarding the behavior of factors influencing labor
productivity in the construction industry, from a global
perspective Fig 1.
Fig 1. Research methodology flowchart.
Document collection
This phase involves a systematic review of available
literature in scientific databases, using the Boolean equation:
("labor productivity") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("construction
project")), conducted on 28/09/2022. Fig. 2 represents the
initial sample of 191 documents, outlining the three proposed
literature review phases, the processes, the three exclusion
criteria, and the acquisition of the final sample of 97
From the final sample, 52 documents provide ranked lists of
factors, while the remaining 47, although presenting groups of
factors and a series of attributes to consider, do not assign them
an importance rating. A total of 267 factors were identified,
with a total count of 1547 occurrences within the documents.
Fig 2. Scientific Literature Review Flowchart.
Data visualization and analysis
Within the dataset obtained, each identified factor
constitutes a subset of data. Three possible scenarios are
All Ranked Data Scenario:
In this scenario, all data within the subset are ranked.
Consequently, it is possible to calculate the relative importance
value index for each factor.
Mixed Ranked and Unranked Data Scenario:
The second scenario involves a mixture of ranked and
unranked data. Some factors may have rankings, while others
do not.
No Ranking, Only Frequency of Occurrence Scenario:
The third scenario is where none of the data within the subset
have rankings. In this case, only the frequency of occurrence is
evident for each factor.
Results identified
through database
Scopus: 162
Web of Science: 29
Phase 1
(Literature search)
Duplicates removed
N= 18
Phase 2
(Screening duplicates)
Criteria 1
The context was not
Labor Productivity in
Construction Industry
N= 72
Criteria 2
The document was not
in English
N= 3
Phase 3
(Elegibility evaluation
through title and abstract)
Criteria 3
The document did not
have relevant data
N= 1
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 1, Mes enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701
Cleaning and
Identified in
the Literature
Insights and
experts, and
New Classification Groups
Data Preprocessing
Since there is a desire to understand the behavior of an entire
dataset and achieve representativeness in the global ranking of
factors, the decision is made to preprocess the data. This
process involves the adoption of two data treatment techniques.
The first technique, named "Outlier Removal Using Standard
Deviation," is employed to detect and address values that
deviate significantly from the mean of all data subsets. This
enhances the overall data quality, ensuring more accurate and
reliable results [19].
In the development of this first technique, a range of two
standard deviations to the left (Lower limit) and to the right of
the mean (Upper limit) will be considered. Within a normal
distribution, this range encompasses 95.5% of the data, as
illustrated in Fig 3 and expressed in equations (2) and (3).
frequency, importance, and density, among others. In statistical
analysis, frequency represents the occurrence or presence of a
specific entity in a dataset, while importance may denote the
relevance or impact of the entity in the analysis.
By considering these attributes in the calculation of the IVI,
the relative importance of entities and their contribution to the
structure and relationships in the dataset under study can be
While its formulation is rooted in a general statistical
context, its use has been extended to the study of species
populations, as seen in the works of Cottam and Curtis in 1956,
Cox in 1967, and Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg in 1974.
For our study, with 267 factors or data subgroups, the
subtotal of the sum-products of frequencies by their respective
importance in each factor, divided by the total sum-products of
all factors, yields the "Importance Value Index" (IVI) for each
factor. Equation (4) illustrates the relationship for obtaining the
"Importance Value Index".
In this formula:
IVI : Importance Value Index
N : Number of subsets in study
f : Frequency of factors for subsets
w : Importance value of factors
Fig 3. Normal Distribution with Two Standard Deviation Range.
Upper limit : X
+ 2S (2)
Lower limit : X
- 2S (3)
In this formula
: Mean
S : Standard Deviation
The second applied technique is "Imputation of Missing
Values," implemented in the subsets of the second scenario to
assign the median value of the subset's data to those missing
attributes. This value is obtained after applying the first
technique, and by employing this neutral value, the frequency
of occurrence is considered within the analysis.
Finally, a validation of the data subset trend towards a central
value is performed by calculating the "coefficient of variation"
before and after the "Data Preprocessing." This validates an
improvement in this metric of relative dispersion.
Data analysis
On one hand, for the characterization of the documents in the
collected sample, descriptive statistics and frequency analysis
will be employed. On the other hand, to rank the factors
influencing labor productivity in the construction industry, the
"Importance Value Index" (IVI) method will be utilized.
The "Importance Value Index" (IVI) is a method used to
assess the relative importance of entities within a dataset,
considering the relative contribution of key attributes, such as
Factors Classification
The classification of collected factors is carried out through
a combination of approaches. On one hand, a statistical analysis
of frequencies obtained from the sample documents is
employed to discern significant patterns and trends. On the
other hand, "Hierarchical Clustering" methods with "Ward"
linkage are implemented using the workflow depicted in Fig 4
to generate a dendrogram constructed from a distance matrix.
Fig 4. Workflow of the New Classification of Factor Groups.
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Finally, the refinement of the classification is conducted
through the consideration of valuable insights and directions
from educators, academic experts, and industry professionals
with extensive experience. This input provides a critical and
informed perspective.
This multidimensional methodological strategy translates
into a holistic understanding of the key elements involved,
thereby laying the groundwork for more robust interpretations
and conclusions in the study's context.
In order to understand trends and patterns, descriptive
statistics provide information of the frequency of scientific
publications from 1985 to 2022 Fig 5.
approach that integrates machine learning and artificial
intelligence for factor clustering and importance quantification.
This is further enhanced by utilizing both Likert scale surveys
and advanced quantitative techniques [24], [23] for factor
ranking. By synthesizing these different methods, our approach
not only leverages the strengths of each, but also minimizes
their limitations, ensuring more reliable and valid results
through methodological triangulation.
Sample Geographical Location
A broad geographic distribution has been observed among
the analyzed documents, with India (11.3%), the United States
(8.2%), and Canada (7.2%) standing out as the countries with
the highest participation, emphasizing the diversity of national
contexts under investigation, as depicted in Fig 6. The
prominent position of these countries in the realm of research
on labor productivity in construction may be attributed, in part,
to their high level of industrialization and economic
development. Additionally, the presence of educational and
research institutions, coupled with the availability of financial
and technological resources, drives the production and
dissemination of studies in this field.
Fig 5. Frequency of scientific publications related to Factors affecting Labor
Productivity in Construction Industry from 1985 to 2022.
In the first interval (1980s and late 1990s), there is observed
a commencement of research with minimal activity indicating
low interest, possibly influenced by global economic
challenges and challenges within the construction industry.
From the late 1990s through the 2000s, a gradual increase in
research is noted, driven by economic recovery and increased
investment in construction projects. Between the late 2000s and
early 2010s, research interest continues to rise due to
technological advancements in construction, environmental
concerns, and sustainable construction regulations. The
shortage of skilled workers also contributed. Finally, from 2013
to 2022, a substantial increase in research is recorded,
attributable to the economic recovery post-2008 crisis,
technological advancements such as Building Information
Modeling (BIM), environmental concerns, and the COVID-19
pandemic. This keeps the topic of labor productivity in
construction as relevant.
Researchers have used a range of methods to explore the
factors that influence labor productivity in the construction
industry, from traditional expert opinion and literature reviews
to objective, quantitative analysis. These conventional
while rich in empirical insights, often carry the risk
of subjective bias, creating a need for more data-driven
methods. Acknowledging the geographical diversity of existing
studies and prone to bias ([20]; [21]; [22]; [23]), this study
provides a global perspective by employing a mixed-methods
Fig 6. Country-wise distribution of scientific publications related to Factors
Influencing Construction labor productivity from 1985 to 2022.
In contrast to the traditional continental division, we have
opted for the geographic classification proposed by the United
Nations (UN) to segment regions based on their location. This
classification system consists of 7 regions grouped not only by
geographical proximity but also by convergence in sustainable
development goals [25], as illustrated in Fig 7.
Fig 7. Distribution of Publications by Regions of Development Goals.
Adapted from United Nations Statistics Division (2019), Regional Groups
Report, https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2019/regional-groups/".
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 1, Mes enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701
Taking this into account, the notable representation of
Western and Central Asia (32.6%) in the research corpus
highlights the importance and dynamism of these areas in the
context of the construction industry. Factors such as sustained
economic growth, the expansion of infrastructure, and large-
scale development projects, as well as the need to address
specific challenges related to construction, have generated
significant interest in labor productivity in these regions. The
concentration of studies reflects the necessity to develop
solutions and strategies tailored to the particular socio-
economic and cultural contexts of Western and Central Asia.
Additionally, it is noteworthy that the region with the highest
presence in research coincides with countries possessing
significant reserves of oil and gas, along with a marked
infrastructure development plan. This factor may have
influenced interest and investment in optimizing productivity
in the construction industry, given the close relationship
between the construction sector and the expansion of energy
On the other hand, a significant presence of global review
studies (8.2%) is observed, indicating an interest in assessing
trends and patterns on a worldwide scale. However, the
relatively lower representation of other regions, such as Latin
America and the Caribbean (3.4%) and Sub-Saharan Africa
(3.4%), suggests a need for more research and analysis in these
contexts. The possible reason behind this disparity could be
related to differences in the availability of financial and
technological resources, as well as the lower prioritization of
research in the construction domain in these regions.
This geographic diversity underscores the importance of
addressing labor productivity in the construction industry from
a global and contextualized perspective, taking into account the
specific particularities and challenges faced by each region.
Types of Collected Documents
Scientific articles predominate, representing 72.16% of the
total sample, emphasizing their central role in communicating
findings on labor productivity in construction. Conference
papers have a significant presence at 21.65%, highlighting their
relevance as platforms for disseminating ongoing research or
preliminary results in this field. Review articles constitute
5.15%, indicating the potential for synthesis and critical
analysis of existing literature. Book chapters are less common,
accounting for 1.03%. These figures provide a clear insight into
the composition of available literature, underscoring the
importance of scientific articles and conference papers as
primary sources in research on labor productivity in the
construction industry, as evidenced in Fig 8.
Fig 8. Types of Documents Found in the Literature Review.
Data collection (Inputs)
Various methods and instruments used for data collection
have been identified, as depicted in
Fig 9. Particularly noteworthy is the literature review as the
predominant source of information collection, contributing
significantly with 38.05%, including review articles [26] [27]
[28]. This comprehensive literature review has provided a
contextual foundation for the theoretical framework of the
study. Surveys have also played a relevant role, representing
28.29% of the collected data, including notable instances [29]
[30] [31] [32] [33]. These findings underscore the importance
of gathering perceptions and opinions of respondents in the
development of research in this area. Additionally, direct on-
site observations, accounting for 11.22%, stand out,
exemplified by [34] [35] [36], along with interviews (9.27%)
featuring [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44], providing
perspectives through direct interaction with professionals and
key stakeholders in the field of study. Historical records [45]
[46] [47] [48] and previous research [49] [50] [51] [52] have
contributed 2.44% and 5.37%, respectively, enriching the
database with a temporal and comparative perspective. These
results emphasize the relevance and diversity of sources and
approaches employed in constructing a robust and contextually
relevant information base that underpins the examined
Fig 9. Methods and Instruments Used for Data Collection.
REVIEW 5,15%
Literature review
Previous research
Historical records
Experience of…
Primary data…
On-site data…
Historical records
Contractor database
On-site data…
Focus Group…
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Tools & Techniques (Analysis)
The analysis of tools, techniques, and methods reveals trends
in the study of labor productivity in construction, as observed
in Fig 10. In the 2000s, statistical techniques such as correlation
analysis [41] and logistic regression [53] [54] were employed,
representing 11.18% and 6.21% of studies [55] [56]. Since
2010, advanced models such as Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)
(1.86%) [57] [58] [46], System Dynamics (SD) (4.35%) [59]
[44] [60] [61] [58] [40] [62] [49] and Neural Networks (ANN)
(3.11%) [63] [64] [43] [65] [50] have emerged. The Relative
Importance Index (RII) constituted 20.50% in recent years,
with notable instances. [66] [67] [68] [69] [29] [70] [71] [72]
[30]; similarly, methods such as Fuzzy Logic [73] [74] [75] and
Genetic Algorithms [38] [75], sporadically used in the 2000s
[76], resurfaced, reflecting interest in these advanced tools. The
research shows a preference for sophisticated modeling
approaches and comparative analysis.
[91] [92] [42] [65] [93] [94] [95] [74] [31] [28] [96] [97] [98]
[70] [71] [68] [69] [45] [66] [99] .
Furthermore, a marked interest is evident in evaluating the
impact of project changes and quantifying productivity loss at
4.95% [32] [60] [93], suggesting increased sophistication in the
methodologies employed. These findings reflect a trend
towards a nuanced and quantitative understanding of labor
productivity in the construction industry in recent years.
Analyzing the distribution of approaches, it stands out that
the identification of factors, their ranking, and classification
represent approximately 70% of the utilized methodologies
(26.58%, 23.87%, 18.47%), followed by modeling,
encompassing around 14.41%. This analysis underscores the
growing importance of quantitative and detailed approaches to
understand and enhance labor productivity in the construction
industry, emphasizing the need for integrated approaches
considering both qualitative and quantitative factors in the
pursuit of effective solutions.
Fig 10. Tools, Techniques and Methods for Data Analysis of Factors affecting
Labor Productivity in Construction.
Research Outcomes (Outputs)
Regarding the research results, a notable evolution in
addressing labor productivity aspects in the construction
industry is observed over different periods, as depicted in Fig
In the 1980s, the focus was on establishing quantitative
relationships between labor productivity and on-site labor costs
[77]. Starting from the year 2000, with the adoption of more
sophisticated techniques and tools, a shift towards formulating
models to record, measure, and predict labor productivity is
evident [41] [78] [79] [80] [81] [64] [75] [44] [82] [57] [83]
[47] [73] [50] [62] [84], indicating a growing interest in
creating quantitative frameworks to understand and optimize
labor efficiency in this sector.
The identification, classification, and evaluation of factors
influencing labor productivity also gain prominence,
highlighting a more analytical and detailed approach in
research guided by the insights of professionals and industry
stakeholders, including [85] [86] [87] [33] [59] [88] [89] [90]
Fig 11. Outcomes of research on factors influencing labor productivity in
construction as identified in the analyzed documents.
Sectors of the Construction Industry
Diversity is evident in terms of industry sectors represented
in the analyzed documents. Primarily, "Building Construction"
in general [100] [63] [101] [88] [89] [82] [92] [57] [60] [40]
[102] [37] [30] [69] [67] [103], emerges as the most
prominently addressed sector, representing 22,58% of the total.
Following in significance are infrastructure projects,
highlighted by [87] [104] [105] [97] [68], encompassing the
construction of bridges, treatment plants, tunnels, hydroelectric
projects, and roadways, contributing 16.13% of the total.
The "Residential" sector claims importance with 12.90%
[63] [11] [64] [42] [106] [65] [107] [39] [108] [109] [66] [84],
followed by a notable interest in industrial [76] and commercial
[110] [11] [74], contributing together with 16.13%. It is
relevant to highlight the significant presence of reinforced
concrete construction with 5.38% on one hand [101] [63] , and
projects related to electrical, mechanical, and metal sheeting
[53] [54], contributing together with 10.75%.
1.24% 1.86% 1.86% 1.86%
Logistic regression
Factor analysis
Comparative analysis
Progress tracking method
Reliability Test Method
Structural Modeling
Mathematical methods
Critical Path Method
Agent-Based Modelling (ABM)
Genetic algorithm optimization
Work sampling method
Average Mean
Neural network model
Fuzzy logic algorithm
System Dynamic
Spearman rank correlation
Regression analysis
Stadistical analysis
Relative importance index…
Identify factors affecting
Construction Labour…
Rank factors affecting
Construction Labour…
Classification factors affecting
Construction Labour…
Model of Construction Labor
Productivity (CLP)
Assessment on factor
affecting Construction Labor…
Evaluate Construction Labor
Productivity (CLP)
calculate loss of Construction
labor productivity (CLP)
Identify productivity practices
on Construction Labour…
Quantifies the impact of
schedule compression on…
Framework to identify the
means for improving…
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 1, Mes enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701
The construction of high-rise buildings [42] [107] [50] [46]
also holds significant representation, contributing 5.38%.
Educational projects [63] [64] [50] and those related to social
facilities [109], both with a 3.23% share. "Housing" projects
[44] [32] and construction in the oil and gas industry [77] [43]
each contribute 2.15%. Additionally, it was observed that
construction consultancy [31] and high-complexity projects
[83], each with a 1.08%, complete the observed sectoral
The evolution in project selection over time shows a
significant trend. Between 1985 and 2010, the focus was on
large-scale infrastructure such as bridges, treatment plants, and
hydroelectric projects. However, from 2010, there was a shift
towards the construction of residential buildings, possibly in
response to demographic needs and urban development.
From 2018, a return to increased investment in infrastructure
projects was observed, especially in bridges, treatment plants,
and hydroelectric projects, accompanied by an increase in the
construction of reinforced concrete projects. This variability in
project allocation over the decades reflects the adaptability of
the construction industry to respond to changing environmental
demands. Fig 12.
structural reinforcement, including fixing reinforcements and
steel [113] [86][57] [65] [38], along with excavation tasks,
exhibit considerable relevance [79] [32] [60] [38] [45],
contributing 9.43% each. In addition, crucial aspects such as
pipe installation [76], addressing both welding and assembly,
and the dismantling of main beams, each contribute 7.55%.
These results underline the breadth of areas of interest in
research on labor productivity in the construction industry. To
understand the underlying reasons for these findings, various
possibilities can be considered. The emphasis on masonry may
be related to its fundamental role in the initial phase of most
construction projects and its high demand for labor. On the
other hand, the prominence of works related to concrete,
formwork, reinforcement, and structure can be attributed to the
inclination of the documents toward vertical and residential
construction in the obtained sample. These results also suggest
a concern for the efficiency and functionality of building
Fig 13. Construction activities and processes found in the consulted
Fig 12. Sectors of construction industry represented in the consulted
Construction Activities and Processes
The analyzed documents adopt a micro-level approach,
focusing on basic construction activities [111], especially
regarding labor productivity in the construction industry, as
observed in Fig 13. Among the various construction processes
examined, masonry [79] [11] [52] [108] [47] [38] [46] [66],
encompassing the use of both clay bricks and sand-cement
blocks, stands out as the most significant activity, representing
20.75% of the total. Next, works related to concrete [44] [43]
[57] [32] [61] [112] [35] [38], and formwork installation
emerge as crucial elements [80] [63] [101] [65] [50],
contributing 16.98% and 13.21%, respectively. Similarly,
Identified Factor groups
In the analysis of consulted documents, various key
categories were identified. "Management Factors" [11] [33]
[88] [104] [89] [91] [12] [92] [32] [106] [114] [31] [108] [40]
[115] [71] [72] [30] [66] and "Labor" [11] [33] [88] [89] [12]
[32] [114] [74] [31] [40] [116] [30] [117] [106] [71] [72] stand
out with 11.5%, emphasizing their importance in construction
projects. They are followed by "External Factors" with 7.3%
[90] [12] [32] [117] [74] [83] [31] [40] [71] [69], focusing on
proactive management to mitigate impacts. Also relevant are
"Project-Level Factors" [76] [63] [75] [91] [65] [117] [50] [71]
[30] [69] and "Materials, Tools, and Equipment" [88] [104]
[117] [74] [40] [115] [66] with 6.1% and 4.8%, respectively.
These results highlight the need for a comprehensive approach
and effective resource management to optimize productivity in
5.38% 5.38%
2.15% 2.15%
9.43% 9.43%
1.89% 1.89%
Consultants companies
Very complex projects
Social amenities Projects
Housing projects
Oil & Gas construction
Educational Construction
High-rise construction
Reinforced concrete construction…
Industrial Construction
Commercial Construction
Electrical, Mechanical, Sheet metal…
Residential construction
Infraestruture (Bridges, Treatment…
Building construction
Marble finishing works for…
Dismantling of the main…
Pile drilling
Structural construction
Pipes (Welding, Rigging)
Reinforcement (Rebar…
Formwork installation
Masonry work (Brick,…
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
construction in concordance with the clusters found by others
authors [22]; [118].
When observing the evolution over time, key patterns
emerge. In the Initial Period (2005-2008), the focus was on
"Input Factors" and "Output Factors" [76] [28], indicating early
attention to resource and result management. A "Stability
Period" (2009-2016) maintained "Contextual Factors" [119]
[61], "External Factors," and "Management Factors," showing
sustained attention to contexts and management. From 2017,
there was an increase in attention to "Labor" and
"Management," focusing on their development. There also
emerged a focus on "Work Environment and Technical
Factors" (2019-2022), evidenced by the relevance of
"Technical Factors" [33] [12] [32] [74] [31] [40] [115] [72] and
"Working Environment/Condition Factors" [91] [66] [71] [69]
, indicating a growing interest in labor and technical conditions.
Categories such as "Labor," "Management Factors," and
"External Factors" maintained a constant presence, suggesting
their ongoing influence on labor productivity. These findings
provide a comprehensive view of the evolution of factors in the
construction industry, useful for understanding trends and
formulating strategies. However, these categories differ from
other study that have used relative important index [120].
Fig 14.
to the planning and execution within the project's scope. This
includes activities ranging from scheduling and planning to
technical and design considerations, as well as crucial aspects
of human and material resource management. In comparison to
external factors, these elements are more predictable and
controllable [121].
Fig 15. Primary classification level. (Global)
On the other hand, external factors (16.2%) encompass a variety of elements
operating beyond the direct control of the construction company. This includes
environmental factors such as weather conditions and natural disasters, as well
as socio-economic, political, and regulatory variables that can significantly
impact project execution. Due to their external nature and diverse sources of
origin, these factors tend to be more challenging to predict and manage
Fig 16 presents the proposed groups in the new classification within the
global context. The light grey shade corresponds to frequency analysis, while
the darker represents the Importance Value Index (IVI), considering the total
factors (267) and instances (1547).
Fig 14. Classification of identified factors influencing labor productivity in
construction, as found in the documents.
Innovative Classification of Factor Groups Influencing
Labor Productivity in the Construction Industry
After identifying the diverse factor groups present in the
sample, a novel classification is proposed based on the
methodology outlined in Fig 4, This classification addresses the
impact of these factors on the productivity of the construction
industry. It is structured according to the nature and order of the
factors, taking into consideration specific characteristics and
attributes, which are then consolidated into related categories.
The primary classification level highlights two main
categories: internal factors and external factors, as depicted in
Fig 15. Internal factors (86.8%) encompass elements intrinsic
Fig 16. Revised classification of factors impacting labor productivity in
construction within a global.
The Fig 17 illustrates the new classification of factor groups
affecting construction labor productivity
8.4% 8.5%
Supervision Factors
Work Factors
Socio/Psychological Factors
Contextual factors
Site Factors
Technological Factors
Health and Safety Factors
Micro/Micro level/Activity…
Physical Factors
Motivational Factors
Organizational Factors
Technical Factors
Financial and Economical…
Project level factors
External Factors
Management Factors
Industry and public
environmental factors
Environmental factors
Safety and health
Planning factors
Company factors
Technical and design
Human resources
management factors
Manpower and work
Management factors
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214
Fig 17. Innovative Classification of Factor Groups Influencing Labor Productivity in the Construction Industry
Top 30 most important factors on a Global Scale
Classification I
Classification II
Availability of materials on site
Internal factors
Management factors
level of skill labor
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
Site weather conditions
External factors
Environmental factors
Internal factors
Planning factors
levels of motivation and commitment of the workforce on construction
Internal factors
Human resources management factors
Availability of tools and equipment on site
Internal factors
Management factors
Delay in salaries payment
External factors
Company factors
Financial incentive and rewards program/scheme
External factors
Company factors
crew labor construction experience
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
Project planning
Internal factors
Planning factors
Construction method and Building technique
Internal factors
Technical and design factors
Supervisor experience
Internal factors
Management factors
Communication between site management and labor and feedback
Internal factors
Management factors
Turnover and labor absenteeism
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
Wages and economic conditions of workers
Internal factors
Human resources management factors
Construction management team skills
Internal factors
Management factors
Work planning and scheduling
Internal factors
Planning factors
Working overtime
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
Availability of labour
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
Occupational Health & Safety conditions on site
Internal factors
Safety and health factors
Change order
Internal factors
Technical and design factors
Crew size and composition
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
External factors
Environmental factors
Physical fatigue
Internal factors
Human resources management factors
Financial status of stakeholders
External factors
Company factors
Design changes in the drawings
Internal factors
Technical and design factors
Inspection and control delays
Internal factors
Management factors
Overcrowding on the site
Internal factors
Manpower and work factors
Internal factors
Safety and health factors
Incomplete drawings
Internal factors
Technical and design factors
Environmental Factors
External Factors
Industry and Public Environmental Factors
Company Factors
Factors affecting
Labor Productivity
Planning Factors
Technical and Design Factors
Internal Factors
Management Factors
Human Resourses Factors
Safety and Health Factors
Manpower, Labor and Work Factors
Greater control over conditions
and causes
Less control over
conditions and causes
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214
TABLE presents the ranking obtained using the "Importance
Value Index" (IVI) method in the "Global" context. It illustrates
the top 30 most influential factors, all contributing to labor
productivity within the construction industry. Notably, this
ranking deviates from previous studies where material
availability, although significant, does not consistently appear
among the top five factors [22]; [118]; [23].
Fig 18, the internal and external factor composition is
presented, this time applied to the top 30 most relevant factors.
On the other hand, Fig 19 illustrates the distribution of these
critical factors concerning the new classification of groups, with
the darker blue shade derived from applying IVI and the lighter
hue considering only the frequencies. To further emphasize the
order of importance in the new factor classification, Fig. 20
exclusively displays those relevant to IVI.
Fig 20. Distribution of 30 critical factors concerning the new classification of
groups (Only IVI).
Fig 18. Internal and external factor composition is presented, this time applied
to the top 30 most relevant factors.
Fig 19. Distribution of 30 critical factors concerning the new classification of
In terms of geographical distribution and development, it is
evident that the countries with the highest participation in research
on the subject, according to the analyzed sample, are India (11.3%),
the United States (8.2%), and Canada (7.2%). This diversity in
national contexts underscores the need to tailor solutions and
strategies to specific socio-economic and cultural nuances,
including sustained economic growth, large-scale infrastructure
expansion, and addressing specific challenges related to
At the regional level, "Northern Africa and Western Asia"
(32.6%), "Central Asia and Southern Asia" (24.7%), "Europe
and Northern America" (19.1%), and "Eastern Asia and
Southeastern Asia" (14.6%) stand out as regions with the
highest research activity in the field. This concentration reflects
the necessity of developing strategies adapted to diverse
Regarding information collection tools, "Literature review"
(38.05%) stands out as the most relevant method, followed by
"Survey" (28.29%), "Interview" (9.27%), and "Questionnaire"
(1.46%). "Direct observations on site" (11.22%) illustrate the
interaction between the academic and practical realms.
"Historical records" (2.44%), "Contractor databases" (0.49%),
and "Experience of previous projects" are also employed,
highlighting retrospective and comparative on-site approaches.
The combination of these methods suggests a comprehensive
approach in research, emphasizing theory, practical experience,
and comparative analysis.
In terms of analysis methods, the "Relative Importance Index
method" (20.50%) stands out, supported by statistical methods
such as "Statistical analysis" (11.18%) and "Regression
10.0% 10.0%
10.0% 10.0% 10.0%
6.7% 6.7%
Industry and public environmental
Environmental factors
Safety and health factors
Human resources management
Company factors
Planning factors
Technical and design factors
Management factors
Manpower and work factors
Safety and health factors
Environmental factors
Planning factors
Human resources management factors
Company factors
Technical and design factors
Management factors
Manpower and work factors
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 1, Mes enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701
analysis" (6.21%). Innovative methods like "System Dynamic"
(4.35%) and "Fuzzy logic algorithm" (3.73%) indicate a search
for advanced approaches to model productivity dynamics. It is
crucial to note that the practical implementation of these
methods may require resources and specialized expertise.
The prevalence of vertical construction is highlighted,
representing a significant proportion in various subsectors.
Despite the minority presence of horizontal projects,
"Infrastructure" (16.13%) emphasizes its critical importance in
the industry. This might reflect the need to develop essential
In the first-order classification of factors, internal factors
predominate (86.8%), indicating their relative importance in the
perception of industry stakeholders. Although external factors
are a minority, they represent a considerable percentage (16.2-
16.7%), underscoring the importance of balanced management.
In the second-order classification, "Management factors"
(23.3%) leads, highlighting the importance attributed to project
management. In the ranking of the top 30 factors, "Manpower
and work factors" (23.3%) stands out, followed by
"Management factors" (20.0%), emphasizing the relevance of
manpower and management.
Fig 19 contrasts both scenarios, showing consistency in the
proportion of internal and external factors in the two analyses.
At the individual factor level, resource management stands
out, with "Availability of materials on site" ranking first and
"Availability of tools and equipment on site" ranking sixth.
"Level of skill labor," along with factors related to manpower,
highlights the importance of training and skills. "Site weather
conditions" stands out as a relevant environmental factor.
These findings suggest specific strategies, such as training for
the management team, technical training programs, the
development of climate risk matrices, and effective human
resource management to optimize labor productivity in
construction projects globally.
Following this global-level research, it is recommended to
conduct a study at the level of Sustainable Development Goal
Regions (SDG-R), grouping diverse perceptions and influential
factors on labor productivity within each region.
Furthermore, it is advised to incorporate new tools of
Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Machine Learning,
alongside programming, in the processing and analysis of data
for future research endeavors. This integration can enhance the
depth and efficiency of data analysis, providing valuable
insights into the complex dynamics influencing labor
productivity in the construction industry.
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Ray Andrés Ardila Cubillos
Graduated as a Civil Engineer from the
Industrial University of Santander
(UIS) in 2003. In 2012, he earned a
specialization in State Contracting
from the Externado University of
Colombia. In 2023, he obtained his
M.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering
from UIS, standing out for his active
participation in the Research Group on
Construction Materials and Structures (INME). Currently, he
plays key roles as a professor, researcher, and specialized
consultant in Construction Project Management, both in the
private and public sectors.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2521-7265
Manuel Yesid Durán Prada was born
on December 31, 2000, in Piedecuesta,
Santander. He is currently a Civil
Engineering student at the Industrial
University of Santander and is a
member of the research seedbed in
Modeling and Construction
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-5605-3845
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 1, Mes enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701
Karen Yuset Vides Martinez was
born on December 12, 2000, in
Barrancabermeja, Santander. She is
currently a Civil Engineering student
at the Industrial University of
Santander and is a member of the
research seedbed in Modeling and
Construction Management.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0009-0002-0321-0268
Guillermo Mejía Aguilar Civil
Engineer with a degree from the
University of Cauca, Colombia, and a
Ph.D. in Construction Project
Management from the University of
Alabama, USA, and a former Fulbright
Scholar. I currently hold the position of
Full Professor affiliated with the
School of Civil Engineering at the
Industrial University of Santander,
Bucaramanga, Colombia. I serve as an Associate Researcher
within the Colombian Ministry of Science system.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3829-7730