Diseño cinemático de un robot paralelo 2-PRR




Palabras clave:

Atlas de diseño, espacio de trabajo, índice global de condición, robot paralelo, síntesis dimensional.


In civil construction Abstract— This paper presents a dimensional synthesis for a 2-PRR planar parallel robot with a structural plane of symmetry. This robot can achieve the translation of the moving platform without changing the orientation, being useful for applications that require controlled positions with high rigidity. Because the performance of parallel robots is highly sensitive to their geometric parameters, many methodologies to state the dimensional synthesis has been developed. We used the method of Parameter - Finiteness Normalization Method (PFNM) to state the dimensional synthesis using Global Condition Index (GCI) and workspace ( ) design atlases. For the two, GCI and , designed atlases, it is not possible to maximize one of the indexes without diminishing the other one, which represents a design compromise. Also, we remark singular configurations that are coming from specific geometry or limit positions. The complete dimensional synthesis is also presented.


Biografía del autor/a

Sebastián Durango Idárraga, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Profesor en el Departamento de Mecánica y Producción de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.

Ingeniero Mecánico (UAM, 2000)

Magister en Sistemas Automáticos de Producción (UTP, 2007)

Doctor en Ingeniería (EAFIT, 2011)


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Cómo citar

Durango Idárraga, S., Delgado Martínez, M. C., Álvarez Vargas, C. A., Flórez Hurtado, R. D., & Flórez Ruiz, M. A. (2020). Diseño cinemático de un robot paralelo 2-PRR. Scientia Et Technica, 25(3), 372–379. https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.24161


