Triadic semiotic records (RST) in argumentative contexts for the understanding of kinematics in average students (15 To 16 years old): Multiple case analysis




This article is part of an investigation in the didactics of physics using semiotics in argumentative contexts. This time the uniform rectilinear motion is explored. It begins by illustrating the negative attitudes that students present in the learning of physics due to its mathematical complexity and its relationships with semiotic records. The category “triadic semiotic registers” (RST) arises from Duval’s perspective and the triadic models of the sign, as well as some investigations that apply semiotic registers in the didactics of physics; the relationships between argumentation and semiotics, and the implementation of the RST using ICT during the year 2020 in the remote mode. The approach was qualitative with a study of multiple cases, the data were workshops that were carried out in class, and the question that was asked was: How does the perspective of the RST influence the construction of knowledge about kinematics in students of the mean (15 to 16 years)? According to the results, the didactic strategy based on RST in argumentative contexts develops in students’ abilities to transfer mathematical knowledge in the understanding of physics, however, attention must be paid so that the training, conversion, and treatment procedures influence Directly in the explanatory, argumentative and problem- solving skills of students because otherwise they become a negative cognitive load for the understanding of the phenomena.


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How to Cite

Mosquera Lozano, E., & Londoño Villamil, G. (2021). Triadic semiotic records (RST) in argumentative contexts for the understanding of kinematics in average students (15 To 16 years old): Multiple case analysis. Miradas, 16(1), 31–45.



Miradas Journal