"To let learn". Between philosohy and didactics of philosophy in high school





I develop here a hermeneutical reflection on some issues around the teaching of philosophy in high school in Colombia. Following the Hermeneutics school in Alberta, Canada, I develop interpretation based on real experiences, etymologies, metaphors and frequent connections with personal life in order to deepen the phenomenon addressed (not to find or reveal its truth). In this way, I opt for a less scientific and formal language that aims to propose proven and definitive knowledge. I thus highlight the reflective side of the document. Regarding the theme or phenomenon, this text focuses on a prejudice that probably persists strongly among philosophy teachers in Colombia and that allows us to understand why it is and has been so difficult to change the ways of teaching philosophy: the teacher He is the one who must teach and the student learn. I offer here my interpretation.


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How to Cite

Prieto Galindo, F. H. . (2022). "To let learn". Between philosohy and didactics of philosophy in high school. Miradas, 17(1), 81–94. https://doi.org/10.22517/25393812.24952



Miradas Journal