Route for social innovation in a group of students of business administration at Minuto de Dios University Corporation - UNIMINUTO- in Ibagué city




The article shows the implementation of the social innovation route, a methodology created by the PCIS (social innovation science park), a route that approaches problems that are trying to be solved through the participation of different actors and resources. The main objective of the research was to develop and implement the methodology for the execution of the social innovation route in the "organizational analysis and diagnosis" course of the Business Administration program (AEMD) at Uniminuto Tolima and Magdalena Medio vice-rectory (VTMM) in the city of Ibagué. The methodology used in the research was qualitative, the action research method was also used, with the participation of the teacher who guides the course and the students. As main results, it was found that the students were able to apply the knowledge studied in the course in a real environment. Likewise, they were able to generate greater organizational skills, as a result of the interaction with the shopkeepers and the operation of their stores. On the other hand, the shopkeepers of commune 6 showed some shortcomings in the development of the activities they carried out in their stores.


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How to Cite

Andrade Restrepo, L. M., Rico Otalora, B. A., & Gómez Bonilla, L. R. (2022). Route for social innovation in a group of students of business administration at Minuto de Dios University Corporation - UNIMINUTO- in Ibagué city. Miradas, 17(1), 31–42.



Miradas Journal