The narrative research in education




Narrative research has created an interest in the last three decades in how to investigate and interpret realities, since narration is understood as an epistemological, ontological and axiological condition of social life and, in turn, as a method of interpretation, knowledge, creation and analysis. Also, the stories are a glimpse into cultural and identity constructions. For that, you must ask about the meaning of narration in lives and the role that listening plays in this whole process. On the other hand, narrative research is understood as a

dynamic and multiscale tool that claims (and recovers) experiences, in such a way that this notion takes importance because it addresses the characteristics of the subjects in contexts and contributes to the granting of meanings to their own lives. In this way, a different argument is created in the face of positivist, causal, probabilistic and effective positions that have enveloped the construction of pedagogical knowledge. On the other hand, the exercise carried out in this article is the result of a process of inquiry, reflection and writing carried out in the subject Electiva interdisciplinar: redacción científica. The question that led to the construction of the text revolved around the following: Why narrative research in education? This in order to develop two moments: 1) written speech and 2) a reflection on new ways of researching in education. Finally, the text also aims to conceptualize to have a clarity of the challenges and scope that narrative research can carry out in education.


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How to Cite

Barrera, D. M., Pulido Sánchez, M. Y. ., & Bautista Gómez, S. T. . (2022). The narrative research in education. Miradas, 17(1), 95–109.



Miradas Journal