Subjectivation, ICT and mathematical education. Expert Validation




The research is motivated from the framework between education and technology, which directly involves the actors of the process as transforming subjects and transformed by the school and the ways of being, feeling, thinking, and acting in the world, that is, their subjectivity. The conceptual delimitation is done through authors such as Harris (2017), Muñoz (2015) and Weiss (2012), who concludes in the divergence of subjectivity, technological mediation, and mathematical education explicitly in the field of education research, so it becomes a great opportunity to make visible the context within comparative education within an ethnographic-type methodological approach supported by Delphi method. The categorical system as well as each of the items of the instruments were evaluated by ten experts using the Likert scale, whose analysis was performed using the Kendall coefficient and Cronbach's alpha.

            As main findings, the categorical system was consolidated and the data collection instruments were validated that attend to techniques such as the characterization questionnaire, direct observation, and documentary review of performance evaluations.

Keywords: ICT, Mathematics, School, Subjectivity.


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How to Cite

Tocarruncho Ramos, A. E. (2022). Subjectivation, ICT and mathematical education. Expert Validation. Miradas, 17(1), 22–30.



Miradas Journal