


Despite being a topic of interest and linguistic complexity, the use of pronouns of address in the department of Quindío in Colombia has not been studied. The main objective of this research was to analyze the use of pronouns of address [you] in this department through surveys of people whose ages ranged between 12 and 70 years (N = 200). The social factors that were considered for the analysis were age, education, sex and socioeconomic status. This paper concludes that gender and power (hierarchy) are independent variables that influence and modify the use of pronouns. Likewise, it is concluded that the Quindian dialect is characterized by the predominant use of the pronoun usted over , and by the almost null use of the pronoun vos; in this way, it is suggested that the regional dialect of Quindio should be classified independently, since current dialect classification place it within the Antioqueño-Caldense subdialect.


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How to Cite

Guarin, D. (2022). USE OF PRONOUNS OF ADDRESS IN QUINDÍO DEPARTMENT. Miradas, 17(2), 65–82.



Miradas Journal