Policy on good editorial practices in gender equality

At Miradas journal we recognize that a model of scientific production and knowledge construction marked by androcentric and patriarchal biases has prevailed in academia. In an effort to break this reality in academic and institutional dynamics and spaces, we are committed to the incorporation of a gender approach in our practices, specifically with regard to the conformation of editorial bodies, the use of inclusive and non-sexist language, and the recognition and visibility of women and non-binary people in scientific research. With the purpose of contributing to the eradication of discrimination and overcoming the historical and systematic violence that women and non-binary people have suffered, we define the following recommendations for the submission of contributions:
1. Sex and gender in research: works that use the variable “sex” in the data collection process will be valued. In this way, the creation of indicators disaggregated by sex and gender indicators that can provide specific data on women or non-binary persons is encouraged, as well as making comparisons with data referring to the category of men.
2. Egalitarian bibliographic review: it will be positively valued that the works take as reference a bibliography that includes documents that promote gender equality, as well as works that aim to contribute to knowledge within the framework of gender and that defend equality among human beings.
3. Acknowledgement of authorship: in research carried out by research teams or in co-authorship, it is recommended that gender balance be promoted in the people involved and that participation be carried out in an egalitarian and respectful manner, encouraging the values of non-violent communication, collaboration and collective work. Articles must be signed by all authors, with the full names of each person.
Following these recommendations, La Revista Miradas, intends that both our authors and our readership, assume and internalize values such as gender equality and equity, the richness of diversity and interdisciplinarity, the value of the use of participatory and egalitarian methodologies, the commitment to research for change and the improvement of society. We also encourage our audience to adopt the following guidelines for the use of inclusive and non-sexist language:
Guide to good practices for an inclusive and non-sexist use of language
The Miradas Journal, in its commitment to make the work of women and non-binary people in the scientific field more visible, offers its authors a series of ten recommendations to make their contributions more inclusive. This Decalogue, whose options are completely valid and appear in the grammar of Spanish, serves as a first step to highlight the role of these groups in their respective fields of study without making the male figure preferential.
As Ana Sánchez Isidoro points out in her course “MD Lenguaje Inclusivo” and as stipulated in the “Apuntes para la igualdad” of the University of Alicante, from La Revista Miradas, we advise you to consult and follow, as far as possible, the recommendations below:
1. Avoid the use of the generic masculine whenever we talk about people other than the masculine ones
2. Make all people visible in our texts, without excluding anyone or being in greater or lesser numbers
3. Use all types of splitting to include all people in our writings, without abusing or making our texts difficult to understand. Alternate the order of appearance of masculine and feminine forms in the split forms
4. Include slashes or hyphens to add masculine or feminine endings to gendered words, only in short documents, forms or e-mails
5. It is recommended that -@, -x and -e be used only in colloquial settings and texts
6. Change the wording of sentences using the great linguistic variety that exists in the Spanish language, such as the different types of nouns (collective, epicene, common), passive sentences, omission of the subject or words without gender charge (every, minority, etc.)
7. Naming in feminine those positions and professions that are held by a woman: minister, conductor, architect, programmer, etc., and that fall within the norm (it should be noted that certain professions have the same word for feminine and masculine)
8. Pay attention to images and/or audiovisual messages (advertising, among others) that are not in accordance with the use of inclusive language and, consequently, contribute to the construction of stereotypes of women or men
9. Be consistent in the use of egalitarian language throughout the speech. The text should reflect in all its parts a non-sexist language that includes and names all the people to whom it is addressed and to whom it refers
10. Knowing that there are more options besides the binary (masculine and feminine marks) to make all people visible in the speeches.
Below, we attach works and manuals to deepen the work of scientific production with a gender approach, which may be useful and of interest:
• García Calvente, María del Mar; Jiménez Rodríguez, María Luisa and Martínez Morante, Emilia. “Guía para incorporar la perspectiva de género a la investigación en salud”, Serie Monografías EASP, 48,https://www.easp.es/?wpdmact=process&did=NzIuaG90bGluaw==
• GUÍA METODOLÓGICA PARA INCORPORAR EL ENFOQUE DE GÉNERO EN LAS ESTADÍSTICAS, Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Chile.https://www.mop.cl/GIS/Documents/Guia_metodologica_genero_en_las_estadisticas_INE_2015.pdf
• Use of inclusive language in statistical production: a practical guide from a gender perspective National Institute of Statistics, Chile (INE).https://historico-amu.ine.cl/genero/files/estadisticas/pdf/guia_documentos/enfoque_genero.pdf
• “Manual de Buenas Prácticas para Ambientes de Estudio en la Universidad de Concepción 2020 - 2021”, DIRECCIÓN DE EQUIDAD DE GÉNERO Y DIVERSIDAD CIUDAD UNIVERSITARIA, Universidad de Concepción. http://degyd.udec.cl/sites/default/files/Manual_de_Buenas_Practicas.pdf
• Provencio Garrigós, Herminia and Esteve Vidal, Rosa, “Apuntes para la igualdad. Topic IV. Guía de uso de lenguaje no sexista en la Universidad de Alicante”, University of Alicante, 2020,http://rua.ua.es/dspace/handle/10045/109624
• "Building Equality with Words. Recommendations for an inclusive use of language”, Office for Equality, 2014, https://www.upo.es/cms1/export/sites/upo/upsc/igualdad/documentos/guia_lenguaje_no_sexista_como_libro.pdf
• "Guide to non-sexist use of Spanish vocabulary. University of Murcia”, https://www.um.es/documents/2187255/2187763/guia-leng-no-sexista.pdf/d5b22eb9-b2e4-4f4b-82aa-8a129cdc83e3.