Focus and Scope

Scientia et Technica: It is a science journal published quarterly and sponsored by Technological University of Pereira, Colombia. It is aimed at publishing original scientific articles in English and Spanish, which are novel and recent research results stemming from projects developed in Science and Technology. This journal is edited by Technological University of Pereira. Currently, it only publishes open-access articles electronically in PDF and HTML format. 

La The journal Scientia et Technica is currently registered in the Intellectual Property and Publications Registry Section of the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Colombia, through Resolution March 131, 1995. It holds Electronic ISSN (ISSN 2344-7214) and Printed ISSN: 0122-1701) for its publications. This journal is edited by the Technological University of Pereira. Currently, it only publishes electronically. It is recognized by Publindex - Minciencias in category B until December 31, 2021. 

The journal Scientia et Technica is a quarterly publication of the Technological University of Pereira, aimed at publishing original, unpublished and recent research results from projects developed in the fields of Science and technology. 

Given its nature, the journal is aimed at students, professors, researchers as well as the national and international academic and scientific community in the areas of Basic Sciences and Engineering. 

Editorial and Host Institution

This journal is supported administratively and financially, in its entirety, by the Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia. 


To disseminate to the academic and scientific community the results of research projects carried out mainly in the areas of Basic Sciences and Engineering, which contribute to the strengthening of scientific knowledge. 


To become a referent for the Latin American scientific community, with great impact especially in the areas of Basic Sciences and Engineering, consolidating itself as a reliable means of consultation required by researchers, teachers, and students.