A corrective maintenance integrated proposal applied to Adaptive Web Design and Web Accessibility


  • Ana E. Gomez Codutti
  • Sonia I. Mariño Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Pedro L. Alfonzo Universidad Nacional del Nordeste




Corrective Maintenance Software, Web Accessibility, Adaptive Web Design, Content Management Systems.


The increase of ICT has promoted free software such as Content Management System (CMS) that facilitate the efficient generation of digital content. CMS should be evaluated before to be to use, in order to generate accessible product. The work presents a corrective maintenance application implemented through Web Accessibility and Adaptive Web Design. The incorporation of this guidelines in software development, guarantee the quality of this products and promotes digital inclusion of individuals regardless of their abilities.



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Author Biographies

Sonia I. Mariño, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Profesora Titular con dedicación exclusiva. Docente - investigadora. Direccion de Proyectos de I+D. Dpto. de Informática

Lic. en Sistemas. Mgter. en Informática y Computaciòn. Mgter. en Epistemologia y Metodologia de la Investigaciòn Científica. Alumna del Doctorado en Ciencias Cognitivas (realizando tesis)

Pedro L. Alfonzo, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Docente Titular con dedicación exclusiva. Docente - investigador. Integrante Proyectos de I+D. Dpto. de Informática

Expto. en Estadistica y Computación. Mgter. en Ingeniería del Software




How to Cite

Gomez Codutti, A. E., Mariño, S. I., & Alfonzo, P. L. (2016). A corrective maintenance integrated proposal applied to Adaptive Web Design and Web Accessibility. Scientia Et Technica, 21(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.10481



Sistemas y Computación