Computational simulation and voracious algorithm to calculate the least cost route




Computational simulation, route optimization, supply chain, stochastic process, voracious algorithm


Transportation logistics aims to deliver products at the right time and place at the lowest possible cost. Within this activity are the problems of optimizing the routing of cargo vehicles that must travel a minimum cost route for the delivery of goods. The impact of the use of information technologies in the context of the supply chain can be measured basically in integration and in the benefits it brings. The objective of this research is to use computational simulation to evaluate restrictions of a messaging system and to show the shortest route found for three package delivery lines, optimizing the time and allocation of packages for each line. The project was developed under an empirical and exploratory methodology, where four phases followed. An algorithm was designed that used a voracious and stochastic approach, with an objective function that was evaluated in each of the n-simulations, to find the shortest route on the three delivery lines. To test the effectiveness of the algorithm, two test scenarios were carried out. In both scenarios, it was possible to show that the greater the number of simulations, the distance found was shorter, which was the objective of the investigation.


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Author Biography

Luis Adrian Lasso Cardona, Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca

Systems Engineer, Universidad del Valle, Colombia. M. Sc. Educational Technology Management, Universidad de Santander, Colombia. Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering, Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Professor Faculty of Engineering, Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Lasso Cardona, L. A. . (2023). Computational simulation and voracious algorithm to calculate the least cost route . Scientia Et Technica, 28(02), 86–92.



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