Neuromatemática un estudio interdisciplinario: el caso de las emociones expresadas en la construcción del paralelepípedo


  • Luis Albeiro Zabala Jaramillo Universidad de Medellín



APOE, Didáctica de la Matemática, Emociones, Microexpresiones Faciales, Neurociencia, Neurodidáctica, Neuromatemática


The present research proposes an interdisciplinary study between Neuroscience and Mathematics Didactics through two constructs of these fields –emotions and APOE Theory (action, process, object, and scheme)–. From the methodological point of view, the binomial emotion and geometric problem solving have been selected in fifth-grade students, to show the emotions that emerge when they build a parallelepiped with the Cabri 3D software through lines in construction stages. cognitive action, process, object, and schema. The results obtained derive from an analysis of three sources: (1) Detection of facial microexpressions, (2) Heat map, and (3) Tukey's test, that allow us to appreciate the relationship between the APOE theory, the definition proposed for Neuromathematics, and its study of emotions that bases the pedagogical and didactic processes given in the teaching and learning of geometry.


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How to Cite

Zabala Jaramillo, L. A. (2021). Neuromatemática un estudio interdisciplinario: el caso de las emociones expresadas en la construcción del paralelepípedo. Scientia Et Technica, 26(03), 378–390.



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