Attitudes, knowledge and practices of internal medicine against the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Medellin Colombia
abortion, conscientious objection, skills, knowledge and attitudesAbstract
ABSTRACT Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (VIP) is legal under special circumstances in some countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the skills, knowledge and attitudes about VIP in medical interns from a private university in Colombia. A cross-sectional study with primary data collection was preformed. A descriptive analysis was done for the variables; socio-demographic, skills, knowledge and attitudes about VIP. The SPSS® software, version 21.0, was used for the statistical analysis. A written consent was signed and approved by the research ethics committee. The primary circumstance to practice a VIP was if the mother´s mental health was at risk. 54,7 % of the interns endorsed having a conscientious objection and 21 % applied it during their internship year. 86,7 % of the students answered correctly about how to proceed in a VIP case. All of them identified the special circumstances, in which VIP can be done in Colombia, and 96 % recognized the law, but only 41 % knew details about gestational time limits. 25,7 % of the students report having emotional consequences after witnessing a VIP; 48,7 % presented with depressed mood.
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