DRESS síndrome (Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms) associated with Tubulo Interstitial Nephritis in a adolescent
DRESS Syndrome, Eosinophilia, Renal insufficiency, Nephritis interstitial, PediatricAbstract
DRESS syndrome (Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms) is a rare pathology in Pediatrics, first described in 1996 by Bocquet. It can appear in a variable period of time after exposure to some medications, it is characterized by fever, skin involvement and internal organs. A 13-year-old patient is presented, with a history of use of Trimethoprim sulfa for two months, with a disease of three days of evolution, consisting of fever and skin rash, without mucosal involvement, with an unfavorable response to steroid management, requiring Intravenous inmunoglobulin. Weeks after the onset of symptoms and stable evolution, he presented acute renal failure that required renal replacement therapy. Other underlying autoimmune pathologies were ruled out. There was recovery of renal function test and normalization of the other paraclinical on day 40 of the disease. Patient remains asymptomatic four months later, with oral steroid treatment, in slow and gradual decline. Permanent evaluation of renal function tests should be considered in patients with DRESS syndrome, due to its association with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis and related complications.
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