Efficacy and tolerability of Nitazoxanide for intestinal parasitism in schoolchildren treated at the Health Center of the University of Quindío
Nitazoxanide, Giardiasis, Blastocystis, Efficacy, TolerabilityAbstract
Objective: To describe the effectiveness of the intestinal antiparasitic treatment given to children ranging between 4 and 9 years old that were attended in the Health Center of the University of Quindío in the period of July 2017 and March 2018.
Materials and methods: Prospective observational study. Data were extracted from medical records of patients with an age range of 4 to 9 years, who consulted at the Health Center of the University of Quindío and were diagnosed through coprological tests with Blastocystis and Giardiasis. The clinical records were selected by whose treatment was done with Nitazoxanide or Albendazole with coprological results of post-treatment check-up. Descriptive statistics are presented along with percentage of efficacy and tolerability.
Results: From 15 children treated with Nitazoxanide, 10 responded to the treatment, who presented no parasites in the coprological check-up. The remaining population presented some type of parasitic infection (n = 5). With an efficiency of 83,3% (IC95% 32 – 82%) in blastocystis, and 57,1% (IC95% 32 – 82%) in giardiasis.
Conclusion: Percentage results similar to those reported in the literature were evidenced, being more effective in blastocystis than in giardiasis.
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