Post-stress physioprophylaxis test in soccer players: effects of blood lactate concentrations
Muscle, fatigue, physio-prophylaxis, soccer, lactateAbstract
Objective: To determine the effects of physioprophylaxis (PP) on blood lactate (BL) concentrations after maximal incremental stress test, considering that this is the application of techniques in sports physiotherapy to reduce signs of muscle fatigue that can trigger injuries due to overload.
Materials and Methods: Quantitative study, experimental type, longitudinal section in 12 university players. The group is divided into one control group (CG) with recovery at rest without PP and another experimental group (EG) to which PP is applied at the end of the test. Blood lactate is recorded with Accutrend Plus at the beginning of the test, (1) five minutes after finishing the test (2) and after the PP (3) at two different moments for intra-subject analysis.
Results: The following data were obtained regarding blood lactate clearance, Moment 1: Without Plan (WoP) 4.86±1.4 and With Plan (WP) 8.85±1.25 (p<0.05), moment 2: (WoP) 5.6±1.76 and (WP) 7.8±1.3 (p<0.05) in mmol/L, and intra-subject: (WoP): 5.25±1.58; (WP): 8.35±1.33 (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The clearance of lactate in the blood at 30 minutes post stress test in the EG is bigger than the CG, because they recovered with the physioprophylactic plan.
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