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Neumoperitoneo inducido para el tratamiento de la hernia inguino - escrotal gigante: a propósito de un caso.


  • Boris Cedeño-Ruiz SEMEDIC / Genios Educativo
  • Andrés Eduardo Cedeño-Ruiz Interhospital / Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil.
  • Cristian Josafet Arias-Ortiz Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • Myriam Jazmín Cabezas-Peña Interhospital S.A.
  • Alfonso Fabricio Correa-Andrade SOLCA Guayaquil
  • William Fernando Ocaña-Coronel Hospital La Florida



Hernia incisional, neumoperitoneo, hernioplastia



Introduction: The procedure of progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum for the management of giant hernias with "Loss of ownership" or "Loss of right to domicile" was introduced in 1940 by Goñi Moreno in Argentina, followed in later years by authors such as Herszage, Berlemont, Koontz, Gravez and in Mexico Martínez Munive, all with some interesting variations of the original method. Its use is recommended for previous preparation of patients with giant hernias and large contents of viscera in the hernial sac, in which it would not be possible to re-introduce and perform hernioplasty, or in which its forced reduction could lead to the patient to the development of an abdominal compartment syndrome in the immediate postoperative period.

Clinical case: A 65-year-old male patient with a clinical picture of 1 month of evolution characterized by pain in the left inguinal region. There was evidence of a giant left inguine scrotum, not reducible, with approximately 40% abdominal contents.

Discussion: One of the great problems of herniated abdominal wall is the presence of a large hernia sac, long evolution that contains such amount of intestinal loops, which leads to what has been called, hernias with "loss of domain "or" loss of right to domicile "in which the hernia content exceeds the capacity of the abdominal cavity to receive again such amount of viscera, without leading to respiratory failure.

Key words: Incisional hernia, hernioplasty, pneumoperitoneum, complications.


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Author Biographies

Boris Cedeño-Ruiz, SEMEDIC / Genios Educativo


Magíster en Gestión Directiva de Instituciones de la Salud.

Magíster en Educación Universitaria.

Magíster en Prevención en Riesgos Labores.


Andrés Eduardo Cedeño-Ruiz, Interhospital / Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil.


Especialista en Cirugía General.


Cristian Josafet Arias-Ortiz, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil


Myriam Jazmín Cabezas-Peña, Interhospital S.A.


Especialista en Cirugía General.

Alfonso Fabricio Correa-Andrade, SOLCA Guayaquil


William Fernando Ocaña-Coronel, Hospital La Florida



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2022-10-30 — Updated on 2022-11-03


How to Cite

Cedeño-Ruiz, B., Cedeño-Ruiz, A. E., Arias-Ortiz, C. J., Cabezas-Peña, M. J., Correa-Andrade, A. F., & Ocaña-Coronel, W. F. (2022). Español: Neumoperitoneo inducido para el tratamiento de la hernia inguino - escrotal gigante: a propósito de un caso. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 28(2). (Original work published October 30, 2022)