Executive power against Congress in the first decades of the Colombian republican experience, 1821-1840
Executive power, Legislative power, balancing of powers, republican regimeAbstract
The republican ideal of the balance of public powers was guaranteed by the liberal ideology of the constituents that met in the constituent congress of the town Villa del Rosario de Cúcuta, when the constitutional order granted the preeminence to Congress, that obtained the power to create the courts of justice and the lower courts of the Republic. But during the 1820s and 1830s, the balance was played between the Executive and the legislative chambers. This article closely examines how that balance of public powers was built.
CORTÁZAR, Roberto (compilador). Cartas y mensajes del general Francisco de Paula Santander, Bogotá, Academia Colombiana de Historia, 1953-1956, 10 tomos.
GACETA DE COLOMBIA. Iniciada en la Villa del Rosario de Cúcuta y continuada en Bogotá, Imprenta de Bruno Espinosa de los Monteros. No. 1 (6 sep. 1821) a No. 566 (29 dic. 1831). Edición facsimilar del Banco de la República, Bogotá, 1973-1975, 5 tomos.
LÓPEZ, Luis Horacio (compilador). Administraciones de Santander, 1820-1838, Bogotá, Fundación Francisco de Paula Santander, 1990, 6 tomos.
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