The political culture and participation in the Republic of Colombia
Political culture in Colombia, electoral behavior, citizen participation, community valuesAbstract
This article presents a reflection on the way that has shaped the political culture in Colombia, for that reason were reviewed surveys on political culture offered by Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (dane), the reports of Corporación Latinobarómetro from 2017 and 2018 and the results bases of Consejo Nacional Electoral (cne). The study exposes the reasons why Colombians reflect feelings of frustration and political apathy, and about their preferences for charismatic leaders of a conservative nature. Likewise, the habits and motivations expressed by the members of the community action boards (jac) are describe while explaining the interrelations they carry out with the representative authorities. Finally, it deals with the implementation of practices in defense of the environment that residents of their rural areas have assumed.
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