Notes about Colombian forced migration. Contributions to the truth about exile
forced migration, exile, refuge, politicityAbstract
This article proposes a reflection on the extraterritorial work of the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition with Colombians in exile. The work is divided into six sections. The first two sections introduce the dynamics of Colombian migration in the 21st century and offer a brief historical and demographic review of Colombian forced migration from the second half of the last century. The third part examines the concepts of victims abroad, exile, and refuge from positive law and politics dimensions, as an analytical framework to study Colombians in exile. The fourth and fifth parts address the experience of the Paraguay Comissión of Truth and Justice and its work on exile as a violation of human rights. This is useful to identify not only problematizing elements of the extraterritorial deployment but also the challenges faced by the Truth Commission in Colombia. Finally, some reflections are given in a form of conclusion.
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