What can social scientists learn from Freud and his heirs? An approach to psychoanalysis as a tool for social sciences
Psychoanalysis, mind, cognition, U unconscious, civilization, drivesAbstract
The following article is a reflection that analyzes some of the postulates of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory and the methodological possibilities it offers for the various disciplines of the social sciences. The most important assertions of the Austrian doctor will be exhibited in relation to the inexorable link that is built between the psychic apparatus (with its respective evolution) and the formation of social restrictions, laws and institutions. It is necessary to expose these theoretical crystallizations in order to elucidate, at least from a concrete perspective, how the most important processes in the constitution of civilization throughout history have been forged. Subsequently, a highly relevant concept such as "ideology" will be explained through two declared heirs of Freud such as Althusser and Žižek.
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