Lawsuits, Accords and Identity divergences in the Lands of Santa Ana de Guamal, Colombia
identities, land conflicts, property rights, Cabildo Indígena Cañamomo Lomaprieta, Consejo Comunitario Afrodescendiente de GuamalAbstract
This article focuses on a land ownership dispute in Santa Ana de Guamal, Colombia, stemming from a family feud over property boundaries that began in 2015. The disputed property, located within a resguardo and an area belonging to Santa Ana de Guamal since the colonial period, is also part of lands that have undergone agrarian reform processes. This historical context highlights the complex interplay of ethnic identities and land claims. Through document analysis and fieldwork, we explore how ethnic identities have been used to justify land rights and how this conflict has escalated beyond the family level to involve local authorities and political and ethnic organizations. The findings reveal the intricate dynamics of identity in territorial disputes.
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