The importance of environmental education in basic and high school students in three public educational institutions in el Espinal (Tolima)
This reflection article analyzes the importance of Environmental Education for elementary and middle school students in three public educational institutions in El Espinal (Tolima), the role and role it plays in their personal and academic life, understanding the intervention that this education can carry out in the construction and social transformation from the teaching of values for a good relationship with the environment, creating habits and behaviors that allow improving the conflicts and environmental problems present in today’s society and educating to protect, care for and preserve natural resources for present and future generations. This analysis was carried out through the application of a survey to students in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades.
It is found that environmental issues are assigned to the area of Natural Sciences, teachers do not have environmental training and there is no crosscutting of Environmental Education in the study plan and this is limited to the celebration of environmental dates in the academic calendar, for students, environmental and Environmental Education is important for their academic and personal life, presenting a commitment and interest.
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