Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Julio - Diciembre
Historical Studies
Asking the archives, spreding on the web: a methodological and didactic proposal to take history to the hihg school
Vistas(Views): 573
- PDF (Español (España)) Descargas(Downloads): 193
Consumption of coffee in the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (CCLC): The "bad consumer" and the rise of specialty coffee
Vistas(Views): 791
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 282
About the historian's office or a dialogue and exam on his practice
Vistas(Views): 690
- PDF (Español (España)) Descargas(Downloads): 414
Political Science
The Italian neo-fascism in the Paraguay of Stronessner: the asylum, the " Black International Economy"International Black Economy" and the elimination of criminal past
Vistas(Views): 521
- PDF (Italiano) Descargas(Downloads): 239
The income of sugar cane alcohol during the independence process of La Nueva Granda, 1810-1819
Vistas(Views): 804
- PDF (Español (España)) Descargas(Downloads): 231
Executive power against Congress in the first decades of the Colombian republican experience, 1821-1840
Vistas(Views): 347
- PDF (Español (España)) Descargas(Downloads): 152
Annals and Memories
The two Anserma. Documentary research about the relocation of a population
Vistas(Views): 580
- PDF (Español (España)) Descargas(Downloads): 183
Interview with the historian César Augusto Ayala Diago
Vistas(Views): 1027
- PDF (Español (España)) Descargas(Downloads): 231